Ufs notice register

This page shows all Ufsnotiser that have been published in the last 10 years. Select vintage by selecting the year in the list. Within each vintage, the notices are sorted in chronological order with the newest notices at the bottom. Notices published in the last five years and have the status "Applicable" are marked in blue (links) and can be read in their entirety by clicking on the link.

NtM database updated: 1/16/2025 10:50 PM

Ufs notice
Notice Publ.date Header Status
2024:1043/18814 11/27/2024 Kosterhavet. Fjord 'Kosterfjorden'. Saltö. Anchorage prohibited May 15 - August 31. Current
2024:1043/18819 11/27/2024 Kosterhavet. Fjord 'Kosterfjorden'. Fishing prohibited. Current
2024:1043/18820 11/27/2024 Kosterhavet. Prohibited areas, anchoring and fishing. Current
2024:1043/18821 11/27/2024 N of Skellefteå. NE of Byske. Tåme Firing Range. Tåmsvarten. Light. Current
2024:1043/18839 11/27/2024 Kosterhavet. Väderöarna. Storö. Anchoring prohibited. Current
2024:1043/18842 11/27/2024 Stockholm. Vårbyfjärden. Diving operations. Drillings. Invalid
2024:1043/18848 11/27/2024 Södra Kalmarsund. S of Kalmar. Anchorage areas. Current
2024:1043/18892 11/27/2024 S of Piteå. Bondöfjärden. Eriksgrundet. Norra Eriksgrundet. Buoyage. Current
2024:1043/18914 11/27/2024 E of Byske. Tåme. Firing exercises. December 4 - 8, 2024. Invalid
2024:1043/18915 11/27/2024 Göta Kanal. Mem - Sjötorp. Light and topmarks on buoyage withdrawn for winter. Current
2024:1043/18928 11/27/2024 N of Orust. Koljö fjord. W of Svineviken. No obstructions reported. Current
2024:1044/18752 11/28/2024 Stockholm. Nacka. Skurusundet. Gamla Skurubron. Closed Area. Invalid
2024:1044/18896 12/2/2024 Rörö. Källö fjord. Faddern. Marine farm. Buoyage. Current
2024:1044/18883 12/4/2024 SE of Marstrand. Kovikshamn. Tjuremesen. Buoyage. Marine farm. Current
2024:1044/18887 12/4/2024 New print of charts. New edition of chart 523, 524, 5342, 6181, 924 and 925. Current
2024:1044/18898 12/4/2024 E Gotland. Austerviken. Närsholmen. Bird sanctuary. Current
2024:1044/18917 12/4/2024 E of Nyköping. Ringsön. Bergö. Bergöfjärden. Buoyage. Current
2024:1044/18921 12/4/2024 Öregrundsgrepen. Öregrund. Pipeline work. Invalid
2024:1044/18923 12/4/2024 SE of Nynäshamn. E of Gunnarsstenarna. Spoil ground. Current
2024:1044/18930 12/4/2024 Lake Mälaren. SE of Köping. Light Brobygrund. Sectors. Current
2024:1044/18931 12/4/2024 Mälaren. Grönsöfjärden. Ringsökalven. Skjutgrund. Wreck. Virtual AIS. Current
2024:1044/18936 12/4/2024 Karlshamn. Kastellet. Degaussing range. Buoyage. Current
2024:1044/18940 12/4/2024 W of Halmstad. Ringenäs. Firing exercise. December 12, 2024. Invalid
2024:1044/18943 12/4/2024 Orust. Koljö fjord. Obstructions reported. Current
2024:1048/18953 12/4/2024 Wintertime recommendations for maritime traffic for the prevention of ice-skating accidents etc. Current
2025:1049/18955 12/6/2024 General information to seafarers during winter conditions. Current
2024:1045/18865 12/11/2024 O of Hargshamn. Singö. Light Singö Stångskär. Sectors. Current
2024:1045/18891 12/11/2024 Port of Norrköping. Motala ström. Wreck. Buoyage. Current
2024:1045/18906 12/11/2024 Lake Mälaren. Norrfjärden. Gisselfjärden. Kungsbergsskären. New light. Kungsberget. Current
2024:1045/18909 12/11/2024 W of Malmö. Flintrännan. S of Flintrännan Nr 16. ODAS. Current
2024:1045/18937 12/11/2024 Karlskrona. Baltic port. Anchor berth C. Current
2024:1045/18966 12/11/2024 W of Halmstad. Ringenäs. Firing exercise. December 16 - 17, 2024. Invalid
2024:1045/18970 12/11/2024 Port of Falkenberg. Works on jetty D1 and D2. Invalid
2024:1046/18982 12/17/2024 SW of Karlskrona. Hasslö. Bridge "Hasslöbron". Temporary phone number for bridge opening. Current
2024:1046/18864 12/18/2024 NE of Nyköping. Örsbaken. Sälgrund. Depths. Current
2024:1046/18878 12/18/2024 Gotland. Klintehamn. Fårösund. Kappelshamn. Slite. Anchorage areas. Current
2024:1046/18913 12/18/2024 Mariestad. Mariestadsfjärden. Leading light 'Nolhagen'. Sectors. Current
2024:1046/18935 12/18/2024 Karlstad. Lambergshamnen. Bridge. Buoyage. Current
2024:1046/18941 12/18/2024 Göteborg southern archipelago. Donsö. Vrångö. Kårholmen. Sjumansholmen. Works on submarine cable. Current
2024:1046/18964 12/18/2024 E of Oskarshamn. S of Finnrevet. Foul ground. Current
2024:1046/18977 12/18/2024 Helsingborg. Bulkhamnen. Leading Light. Current
2024:1046/18981 12/18/2024 Marstrand. Pater Noster Anchorage. Anchor berth 3. Foul ground. Current
2024:1046/18989 12/18/2024 Karlskrona. Stumholmen. Trossö. Work on quay. Invalid
2024:1046/18991 12/18/2024 A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Current
2024:1047/18971 12/19/2024 E of Utö. Firing exercises. January 13 - 17, 2025. Current
2024:1047/18852 12/20/2024 SE of Karlskrona. Torhamn. New jetty. Current
2024:1047/18867 12/20/2024 E of Norrtälje. Tjockö. Rävsnäs. Jetty. Current
2024:1047/18963 12/20/2024 W of Lysekil. Gäven. Trillingarna. Lusegrund. Buoyage by marine farm. Current
2024:1047/18758 12/23/2024 S of Strömstad. Dillehuvudflo. Tjärnö. Rundö. Shoal. Depth. Current
2024:1047/18995 12/23/2024 S of Öland. TSS Off Öland Island. Light "Ölands Södra Grund". Racon. Current