Ufs notice register
* 16966 |
Chart: 536, 611, 6142 |
Sweden. not area bound. The Chart Improvement Project. New chart datum BSCD2000, amendments to shoreline etc. |
See: 2021:888/16156 |
Baltic Sea Chart Datum 2000 A common vertical reference system, BSCD2000 (Baltic Sea Chart Datum 2000) is gradually introduced in charts and ENC. The zero level is close to MSL and is expressed ±0.0 m BSCD2000. Inland waters are also referred to this level, e.g. Lake Mälaren is expressed as +0.78 m BSCD2000. |
Decreased depths due to the post-glacial land uplift Most coastal waters of Sweden are affected by the post-glacial land uplift. This has had the result that charted depth information slowly has become outdated. To this end, the Chart Improvement Project has been implemented. |
The Chart Improvement Project - Introduction of the new chart datum BSCD2000, with amendments to all charted depth figures and contours - Shore line corrected using the latest aerial photos from the Land Survey Authority - Verifying correct positioning of existing AtoNs. - Introduction of 15 m and 30 m depth contours The Chart Improvement Project started 2016 and is expected to be finished by 2024. To date (summer 2022) the Chart Improvement Project has been completed along the coast between Haparanda and Söderhamn and to a large extent between Söderhamn and Nynäshamn where the work is still ongoing (see picture for overview). ENC cells in respective area have been released as New Editions. The following charts, have been re-issued as New Editions: |
Chart | Edition No. | All depths have been reduced by approx. |
536 | 11.0 | 19 cm |
611 | 12.0 | 16 cm |
6142 | 12.0 | 24 cm |
NOTE: During the duration of the project there will always exist a 'gap' between the old and new chart datum which may appear as a deviation to existing depth contours and shoreline. It is thus of utmost importance to be well informed about which respective chart datum is used and current water level, especially when navigation in narrow waters with a limited UKC. |
Ufs A 2019 www.sjofartsverket.se/RH2000 www.smhi.se |
The Chart Improvement Project |